Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chapters 1 & 2

Moving on from Chapter Zero, which had many thought provoking questions that are worth reviewing periodically. Driscoll lays out his Missional Ministry Matrix, which apparently governs the way Mars Hill does church. I thought it was interesting approach to church since the bulk of my life has been spent in a Restoration movement that has focused on Ephesians 4 ministries in the church. It amazes me how many different ways people are doing church today and each believing that they are taking a Biblical approach to how they do church.

What has challenged me most in this chapter was Mark's purpose for starting Mars Hill, "First, I hated going to church and wanted one I liked, so I thought I would just start my own. Second, God had spoken to me in one of those weird charismatic moments and told me to start a church. Third, I am scared of God, and try to do what he says." I wonder how differently we would do life if we were doing what we clearly knew God was calling us to do. The topic of 'calling' can many times lead to an individualistic approach to working out our salvation, which can be dangerous i.e. millions of parachurch organizations. But, I have to admit that I don't spend a lot of time bringing this very topic before the Lord. This book has been a catalyst in that area especially.

The Second chapter was definitely more R rated in the beginning portion. I felt a little embarassed recommending this book to everyone after reading the beginning of the chapter. It can be easy to throw the baby out with the bathwater after reading something like this, but I think he could have used a plethora of other stories to illustrated his point.

I like Driscoll's generation approach, looking to scripture instead of Western culture's definition. It is mind boggling how we have segmented everyone to fit into some type of niche. I can't believe we have the hippies to thank for starting this trend in America.

In regards to preaching Driscoll states that, "anointed preaching can only flow out of an anointed preacher who spends time alone with God in prayer and scripture." Also, studying comedians has been very helpful for him as well.

Overall Driscoll's numerical approach to each chapter makes you feel like you are along for the ride to share in the high's and low's of an emerging church. It has been a fun rid thus far.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Confessions of a Reformission Rev. Pt.1

by Travis Maples

Well I bought my copy of Mark Driscoll's book Confessions of a Reformation Rev. day before yesterday. Driscoll is a pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Wa. I looked through the table of contents and I have to say I have no clue what to expect. First off there's a chapter zero. I don't think I have ever read a book with a chapter zero. I thought with this first post I would stick with the prelude and chapter zero.

Obviously the goal of this blog is to keep the family in Chicago and the family in Knoxville connected by uniting around our love for the truth in the gospel and our love for reading. So ofcourse the first book that DD chooses to really foster unity and fellowship around the dinner table is a hot topic issue like the Emerging Church.

This book seems to be a little bit of everything. Not only is it an account of Mark Driscoll and his development as a pastor in particular but it's also his "blow by blow history of Mars Hill Church" in the least churched cities in the country, Seattle. The city that he loves "like drunk uncle". In doing so he exposes folks to church history, church and cultural trends and terms like "reformission", "missional" and "emerging". I love his writing, though I'm not sure if it's for his insitefulness, his passion or the way he seems to say "whatever, I don't care what you say, I'll put a chapter zero in my book if I want to".

At first I didn't know how accurate his data was when I didn't see Knoxville listed among the giants. I was alittle offended and wondered how credible this book could be, to see Knoxville so carelessly disregarded. I mean we do have several building downtown that have more than ten floors. Did he not understand the impact that Knoxville has on the cultural and spiritual landscape of America? I mean Chicago not being listed I understand, but Knoxville?

There's so much to unpack in this book. We could spend all day going back and forth on all the points he makes about culture and the church's role in it. Cultural centers, east and west coast forces, magnet cities and urban culture making, trend setting tribes that exhert their influence on the rest of us hilljacks.
So in the Prelude I encountered an interested concept. The "Noah's Dove Church"(pg.11), which he seems to consider Mars Hill. Like Noah's dove there are churches that are sent out to look for land, "a new world of ministry opportunity to explore, among cities, young people and cultural progressives"(Pg.11). Driscoll asserted that churches not located in these areas have an obligation to seek out and learn from these "Noah's dove"churches that are on the front lines of culture production. In a sense these guys are running reconnaissance for the rest of us.

Chapter Zero: Ten Curious Questions are a kick in the tail, but are some generally good accountability questions for faithfulness to our calling as Christians and the calling of our church to minister the gospel to our local culture.

  1. Will your Rev. require reformission?

  2. Will your church be traditional and institutional, contemporary and evangelical, or emerging and missional?

  3. Will your church be an emergent liberal church or an emerging evangelical church?

  4. Will you proclaim a gospel of forgiveness, fulfillment, or freedom?

  5. Will your church be attractional, missional, or both?

  6. What size shoe will your church wear?

  7. Will your church have a mission of community or be a community of mission?

  8. Will your leaders work from guilt or conviction?

  9. Do you have the guts to shoot your dogs?

  10. Can you wield a sword and a trowel?

What stuck out to you guys the most?
Is there a question in chapter zero that was more convicting or encouraging than the others?
Obviously being in leadership in your church in a more direct way, was there anything in particular that you would like to adapt from the book?

Friday, June 6, 2008


This is the official start of the Hamstra/Kotynski/Maples/Doss Family Book Blog! Each month we will be reading a book that is intended to teach us a new concept, challenge our faith, or grow us in grace and maturity.

Weekly posts from various readers will summarize our assignments and highlight new learnings. Our first book review will begin on June 20th with a posting by Travis Maples on the book Confessions of a Reformission Rev by Mark Driscoll. Please find a copy and read along with us!