Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chapters 1 & 2

Moving on from Chapter Zero, which had many thought provoking questions that are worth reviewing periodically. Driscoll lays out his Missional Ministry Matrix, which apparently governs the way Mars Hill does church. I thought it was interesting approach to church since the bulk of my life has been spent in a Restoration movement that has focused on Ephesians 4 ministries in the church. It amazes me how many different ways people are doing church today and each believing that they are taking a Biblical approach to how they do church.

What has challenged me most in this chapter was Mark's purpose for starting Mars Hill, "First, I hated going to church and wanted one I liked, so I thought I would just start my own. Second, God had spoken to me in one of those weird charismatic moments and told me to start a church. Third, I am scared of God, and try to do what he says." I wonder how differently we would do life if we were doing what we clearly knew God was calling us to do. The topic of 'calling' can many times lead to an individualistic approach to working out our salvation, which can be dangerous i.e. millions of parachurch organizations. But, I have to admit that I don't spend a lot of time bringing this very topic before the Lord. This book has been a catalyst in that area especially.

The Second chapter was definitely more R rated in the beginning portion. I felt a little embarassed recommending this book to everyone after reading the beginning of the chapter. It can be easy to throw the baby out with the bathwater after reading something like this, but I think he could have used a plethora of other stories to illustrated his point.

I like Driscoll's generation approach, looking to scripture instead of Western culture's definition. It is mind boggling how we have segmented everyone to fit into some type of niche. I can't believe we have the hippies to thank for starting this trend in America.

In regards to preaching Driscoll states that, "anointed preaching can only flow out of an anointed preacher who spends time alone with God in prayer and scripture." Also, studying comedians has been very helpful for him as well.

Overall Driscoll's numerical approach to each chapter makes you feel like you are along for the ride to share in the high's and low's of an emerging church. It has been a fun rid thus far.


Mom H said...

This first chapter had a lot of good stuff in it! I liked his emphasis on truly understanding Jesus Christ, so we learn how to be missional and loving to people as Jesus was, but also confident and bold as the glorified Christ "b/c we proclaim his victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell." What do you think of this statement: "Until the day of Jesus' second coming, we are not merely to relate to people but also to command them to repent of sin and bend their knee to the King before they are grapes crushed under his foot in the winepress of his fury." Commanding people to repent? I've never done that, have you?
I was really glad to read: "we must continually repent if we are to be faithful missionaries." He says if the emerging pastors "fail to recognize this vital difference between us and Jesus, they will diminish the acknowlegment of sin and the urgency of repentance." How important to see that! I'm sure Travis and Amy will agree!
One of the strategic errors he made in building the church was not clearly articulating on paper what they would and would not fight over theologically. I like that!
One of the questions at the end of the chapter asks for us in one sentence to articulate what our mission is as a church or ministry. How important not only as leaders to know that, but to communicate that so everyone is on the same page!
Chapter Two - I'm not going to comment on the beginning! Interesting reading about all that he went through as his church evolved!